Wing Ding
1979 - 1980

Manufacturer: Eyerly Aircraft Company
Model Type: Fly-O-Plane

Wing Ding was already rare when it was added and today is for all intents and purposes, an extinct ride, in that there are currently none operating in the United States at this point (until 2018 there was one operating in Tennessee). It is what is known as a Fly-O-Plane ride, and was manufactured by Eyerly Aircraft Company a company that began business in the 1930's manufacturing flight simulators and quickly switched over to amusement park rides. The Fly-O-Plane was a rare kind of contraption in that guests would board one of eight cars that were vaguely shaped like airplanes and attracted to a metal sweep. The metal sweep would then be attached to a central hub by cables. When the ride began the cars would rotate around a central hub, and as the cables would wrap around the central hub, maypole-style, this would cause each car to be raised high in the air. Each individual plane could rotate up to 360 degrees on its own personal axis. It offered an intense and thrilling experience. From the experience of one rider, the experience was cramped, as the cars were less like planes and more like a spinning tin can.

Though it has never been fully substantiated it is believed that Wing Ding was relocated and purchased from Fairyland Amusement Park, which had recently closed permanently after the 1978 season. Wing Ding premiered in the Aerodrome section of the park, across from the location of the bathrooms today, in 1979. It was removed following the 1980 season and replaced by the Incred-O-Dome in 1981, making Wing Ding Worlds of Fun's shortest-lived ride.

Relevant Links and Sources

It's A Flat World Afterall? (Blog):
Classic Carnival Rides are Flight Simulators in Disguise:

YouTube Videos

Fly-O-Plane at Lake Winnie (removed 2018):

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