

For the 1987 season, which was celebrated as the park's 15th anniversary Worlds of Fun introduced its first fully-planned kid's area, Pandamonium! Pandamonium would open with the park on April 4, 1987, and would take the 1978 Aerodrome expansion, and increase the acreage to five acres, keeping the two existing Aerodrome rides at the time (Tailspinner and Red Baron), re-theming existing buildings and adding four new kids rides, and two new attractions. The most memorable addition to Pandamonium was PJ Panda, the pint-sized little brother of Sam Panda, in addition to PJ Pandamonium is remembered for its primary-colored building block lights, and otherwise bright, fun colors.

With the change over all the Aerodrome attractions needed re-theming, which mostly involved a change in paint color and name. Tailspinner, became Octopus, Red Baron became Pand-Am Airlines, Rainbow Brite moved into the Rainbow Pavilion (which had until then been known as Flying Circus Theater) with Lucky Lyndy's becoming Kid's Stuff, and the tiny Cockpit Coolers becoming Soda Sipper.

It wasn't just re-names though, along with Pandamonium came several new rides and attractions. As part of the $1.5 million expansion, the park added two rides that still exist today, Turn Tyke, and Swing-A-Ling, both manufactured by Zamperla. Two rides that have since been retired were also added including Either Oar, a small kiddie canoe ride, manufactured by Venture Rides (removed in 2000), and Too Too Train, a 300-foot pint-sized train manufactured by Dotto Manufacturing (removed after 2011). The area also came with two play areas, Kiddie-Opolis and Habitot, which combined a ball play area, climbing area, tunnels, ball pits, and slides for kids ages 2-11. Habitot was removed after the 1992 season, with Kiddie-Opolis lasting until 1996.

In 1993 Pandamonium would expand again with the addition of Wacky Worm, the park's first kiddie coaster since the removal of Silly Serpent in 1986. Along with Wacky Worm came the addition of Fowl Play at the Panda Theater, which would play there until 1996, when it was moved to Country Junction Theater.

The end of Pandamonium wasn't clear-cut, Berenstain Bear Country would replace portions of Pandamonium in 1997. Most of Pandamonium, including the rides and the theming would remain unchanged until 2001 when both Bear Country and Pandamonium were replaced by Camp Snoopy.


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Pandamonium 1991

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