Opening Day Review April 9, 2003

"by Jennifer Lovesee-Mast"

The good news is that there is not a lot to complain about, the bad news, there is not a lot of good news either. Honestly, to use anotherís words, it appears that they closed Worlds of Fun last October and just re-opened the park without any change. Now, thatís not the total truth, there are a few obvious infrastructure updates, but maybe not as much as you would expect in an off year.

As I mentioned, there were not that many negative things to complain about. We arrived at the park about 11AM, and most of the rides were operating. There were no excuses, like the Mamba canít run in 50 degree weather, or the like. The only noticeable rides that were down for the first part of the day were the Orient Express and the Detonator. Even under Hunt Midwest they wouldnít open the Orient Express until it was at least 60 degrees outside. Also, Worlds of had all the rides up and functioning on opening day for the first time since I can even remember. The Scrambler was running, the Octopus was running, it was a miracle of modern engineering. However, it is awfully sad when having all the rides put together is a major accomplishment. But let's not lighten the moment, it was an improvement. Also, I have heard a few complaints about the ever breaking down roller coasters. If I remember right the Mamba went down a few times, so did the Boomerang. But these are complicated machines, with a lot of moving parts. It happens. Rides break down. At least they were all running at some point during the day.

There were a few major infrastructure improvements to the park. The major improvement is one guests to the park will never see. the addition of a new, yet to open, Ambam (employee breakroom) located outside of the park itself. There are also a few outward improvements through the park as well. These include the addition of new ride requirement signs at each ride entrance. They are standard through the entire park. Starting the tour with Scandinavia and the main entrance, guests who have visited the park many times will notice that it seems that something has changed. Worlds of Fun has expanded there brick landscaping work to the front gate area. They replaced the wooden benches around the trees and flower beds, with some nice landscaping brick. It does make the entrance look much nicer.

Also in Scandinavia, they did rename the Copenhagen shop, for I believe the third time in the past two years. Now itís named Create a Friend. Guests can now create their own stuffed animal. Moving on to Africa, the Plunge lot is still there, but itís not noticeable unless you ride the train. My big concern though is around the Boomerang. Okay what is the deal with the big pile of gravel? Please donít let this be your landscaping! What about the pretty Magnolia Trees? Those are nice, please donít kill them with the limestone boulders. Okay, I realize mulch ran down the hill, creating a mess. But what about grass? Grass is nice, trees like it, itís much nicer then gravel. I will step off my soap box now. Tune in later for my real rant.

I wonít say much about Forum Road, itís still open, this should be closed. Reason being, money is good. For more details read the editorials from last year. Moving on to Europa, and some good news. Worlds of Fun again is moving along in re-placing the asphalt at the park with concrete. They have replaced the Moulin Rouge patio with clean new concrete. Also, I like hearing the music in the different sections. Especially in Europa. I donít think I remember the last time I actually heard the themed music in Europa. Nice bit of working on the infrastructure of theming. Notice how it helps with the atmosphere. It is appreciated. Also for the extremely observant, Le Taxi Tour received a new logo. Again details being noticed, and being cared for.

Once in Americana proper, Worlds of Fun exterior painting shows up. They repainted Launchpad Gifts, over near the Detonator, as well as Game Street USA. The color schemes were much better then years past. Itís not very noticeable to the average visitor, but it looks clean, and all the details add up to a better experience at the park. Talking about better experiences, Skeeball Hall or as it is known currently the Americana Arcade, has either arranged a lot of games, or added a few. I thought originally they had moved these from Powerhouse Arcade on Beat Street, but no, Powerhouse Arcade is still open. It looks like they replaced some of the skeeball games as well. I know these are a few arcade games, but it only takes a little effort to transform what seems like a run down 70ish arcade, into something much more modern, inviting and exciting. One last thing to mention in Americana. Many heard about the exciting new attraction for 2003, the brand new air conditioned Dip ën Dot carts. They have arrived! One is appearing in Americana near the Grand Prix Raceway, the other in the Mamba Plaza. Donít laugh, I doubt the food service employees will be joking about them this August.

As far as the forlorn Beat Street, The Skyliner and Rockiní Reeler are of course still there and running, as well as the Powerhouse Arcade, but thatís about it. The last remaining ìshopî on Beat Street, Big Time Recording Studios, has been closed, leaving a perfectly good piece of available land. For those who have not seen the Worlds of Fun brochure, Worlds of Fun looks like they will be beefing up Halloweekends this year with two new haunted houses. One for kids called the Magical House on Boo Hill, and the other Freak Street, sounds suspiciously like it will be located in the Beat Street Strip Mall. Itís not enough to say this is good news. If it's as good as it sounds I think we should bring out the Hallelujah Chorus. We will be sure to review the updated Halloweends when it begins on September 20th.

Last section to cover is the Orient section of the park. Unfortunately, the Aquatic Arena is still there. It has not changed since last year one bit. The aquamarine support beams are still there, though rusting a bit. The pool is still there, though to dispel myths, it has not been filled with sand, at least not apparently.

The Bamboozler is a ride we very rarely ever mention. Over the off season they removed the wooden paneling or ìboxî around the bottom of the ride. It was replaced by a black steel fence, much like the other fences at the park. This gives the illusion of the ride floating above the ground; it also leaves the black supports for the Bamboozler visible.

Moving on to possibly the most unusual thing I saw in the park. Before last season Worlds of Fun actually had a miniature pirate ship game. This was not in working order last year so we thought that it would have been removed. Well most of it has been, except for one control panel that was just left hanging there. Whatís even more unusual is that parts of it started disappearing during the day Saturday. I guess they were trying to remove it. One last thing to mention about the Orient Section, is the major ride in the section, the Orient Express. I donít ride roller coasters, but I was with several people who do, and they all remarked (from the back seat no less) that the ride was considerably smoother then it has been in several years. I donít know if this is fluke or if they actually worked on the ride over the winter, but well the fact is there.

My last rant this story and that is about the food prices. I actually received an e-mail about this complaining about the same thing, so it is not just me. The food prices at Worlds of Fun are outrageous. They have been for several years, but every year without fail they raise the prices again. This year is no exception; prices almost across the board went up another ten cents on average. I know it's only ten cents, a dime. However, over the course of say, five years that adds up to 50 cents. If I were to examine which park had cheaper food Worlds of Fun, or a similar fast food restaurant at the Magic Kingdom, do you know what the answer would be? Magic Kingdom, in Disney World, the park that charges over $50 for admission, has cheaper, and yes much better food. To prove my point, Magic Kingdom, charges $2.38 for a large drink (32oz), and Worlds of Fun on the other hand charges $2.39 for a small drink (16oz). There is at least 12 oz of fluid difference between the two; there is actually an 80 cent difference between the exact same thing (a large drink at Worlds of Fun is $3.09) at both parks. Doesnít seem like much? Thatís a little bit more then 30% higher at Worlds of Fun! Another case in point, Coasters Grill in ìAfricaî charges $7.09 for their double coaster burger. Okay itís a double hamburger with everything, but itís still just a burger for crying out loud! No, that does not include fries or a drink by the way. When you go to a park you expect to pay more for food, but not $3.29 for a hot dog with a cold bun. As a visitor so eloquently mentioned in their e-mail I recieved a few days ago, they could get a better value at QT.

The reason behind this price gouging, Iím guessing, is to make more money. In this day in age there is nothing wrong with that. However, Iím going to direct my next statement to the manager of food service, or whoever is responsible for jacking the prices. You will make MORE money by lowered the price of food to a reasonable price, then making people pay an arm and a leg for it. My reasoning behind this is simple. More people are going to buy something if they see it as a better value, then those who feel that they are being ripped off, which in this case they are. If you donít want to take an unofficial website designers input on this, at least follow Disneyís example. Disney, the most admired and reputable company in the field, or in any field for that matter, should be a good example. You might want to take a field trip to Orlando, Florida, if you didnít already last November.

There you have it readers, our view of Worlds of Fun on opening day. For those who feel we are too harsh, and I have received your e-mails and do appreciate your opinion. I do ask that you step away from a job that you obviously love, take off the rose covered glasses, and take a look at the park that you work for. I have always acknowledged the positive aspects, and as I mentioned, there really are not that many negatives this year. Thatís a big step forward. I believe the current management is improving the park as a whole. I donít want anyone to take this as a criticism only, because it's not. Itís a touch base with reality from a visitors view point, and if you donít like reality then I guess it's time to change it.

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